PCD, also known as postcoital dysphoria, is a condition that some individuals experience after sexual intercourse and is characterised by feelings of sadness, anxiety and sometimes even crying after sexual activity. It is very normal to experience differing emotions after sex; however, PCD is an intense and sometimes distressing experience that causes discomfort for the individual affected. 

The causes of PCD have never been fully discovered or understood however, it is believed to be related to hormonal changes and imbalances, trauma or psychological factors. Individuals may also have experienced postcoital dysphoria as a result of past experiences, including sexual abuse, anxiety or depression. PCD is a condition that affects both men and women and fortunately, there are many ways postcoital dysphoria can be managed or treated. One approach to managing PCD that has proved popular over recent years is Tantra.

How Can Tantra Help With Postcoital Dysphoria?

There are many ways Tantra can help with postcoital dysphoria, so let's take a close look at some of them:


One of the main elements of Tantra is mindfulness; this means being present at the moment and experiencing all thoughts, sensations and emotions that air during sexual activity. Being mindful during sex will allow individuals to become more familiar with their bodies and their partner's bodies, which can often help them to feel more connected and intimate. Mindfulness can also help people with PCD to be more in tune with their emotions and manage them better. Being present and fully experiencing emotions allows us to learn to accept and process them in a healthier way.


Tantra also involves breathing exercises which can also help individuals with PCD to relax and reduces the stress and anxiety they may feel around the topic of sexual activity. Deep breathing exercises can help to soothe and regulate your autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for controlling the body’s natural responses to stressful situations. These breathing exercises can also help people tune into their bodies and sensations, becoming more present at the moment and less focused on thoughts and worries.


Physical postures can help improve your flexibility, balance and strength, which can improve circulation and stimulate the flow of energy throughout the body. Physical postures can also aid individuals in becoming aware of their bodies and feelings. Holding a posture while focusing on the breath can distract the focus from worries and stresses and allows you to become more present at the moment.


Tantra emphasises the prioritisation of communication between partners as this helps build intimacy and trust. Open communication and honesty can develop stronger connections and reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness. Communication can also help individuals express their emotions and explain their needs and desires to their partners. Partners can feel empowered and in control with communication, therefore, creating better sexual experiences for you both. 

Sensual Touches:

A naked massage can help you to have an intimate, vulnerable moment with one another, improving overall well-being and alleviating the stresses and anxieties related to postcoital dysphoria. By using a combination of touch, pressure, strokes and other sensations, the naked massage will increase blood flow and stimulate the endorphins, enhancing mood, relaxation and pleasure. Incorporating sensual touching into your routine can help you overcome PCD and feel more fulfilled and connected in your sexual relationship.

In conclusion, postcoital dysphoria can be a challenging condition that affects an individual's emotional well-being after sexual activity. However, with the holistic approach that Tantra offers, you can manage your PCD by connecting with your inner self, your partner and your surroundings. By practising mindfulness, breathing exercises, communication and connection, you can learn to manage your emotions and thoughts to enjoy a more fulfilling and satisfying sexual experience in the future.